Any of you trying to shed a few pounds in 2024? I have some tried-and-true advice for you. It really worked for me, and I can almost guarantee good results for you, too.
- Step #1 - contract a strong, wicked, nasty case of Covid-19, despite your best efforts to take care and stay vaccinated.
- Step #2 - collect the prescribed medicines, including Covid fighters, asthma reducers, breathing aids, and symptom relievers. Follow directions as given.
- Step #3 - fight the bug and suffer through very unpleasant side-effects, mostly gastrointestinal, from all of the disease fighting drugs.
- Step #4 - here comes the fatigue, where you try to lift the spoon to eat the soup, but no, that's too much effort, try again later.
- Step #5 - say hello to the brain fog, where you: make I try sentence -es to sense complete make, that.
- Step #6 - breathe a deep sigh of relief (fill up those lungs!) a week or so later when you start to feel like yourself again.
- Step #7 - step on the scales and marvel at the shiny number beaming back at you.
Sure-fire way to lose a pound or two. And, definitely the diet that requires the least battle against will-power. No way you feel like eating.
But, definitely not recommended. Not even to my worst enemy. Actually, I don't think I have a worst enemy. I mean, I've bumped elbows with people a time or two. And, there are a few people who rub me the wrong way within certain situations. But I don't wish ill-will on them. There's not a real adversarial attitude between us. We don't try to foul each other's plans or drive each other into the ground. Not that I'm aware of. So, I guess it's more accurate to say that I wouldn't recommend the weight loss scheme to people who mildly annoy me. Or, of course, anyone that I genuinely like.
The week+ of Covid isolation was a real doozy of a time. And, I was indeed able to answer the burning question that has been floating in the air since the pandemic of 2020. Yes, I STILL have a healthy supply of sweatpants, stretchy leggings, and lounging shirts. My pile of contaminated clothes grew by the day as I tried to shed whatever germs and crud I could. My little nest of recovery was a hoarder’s delight of medical supplies & medicines, drink options, masks, tissues, notebooks, novels, research books, pillows, blankets, laptop and other electronic devices, and every plugin cord that I could possibly need for days on end. It was a cozy little place. My family left me be. Too bad I spent much of the time miserable and cranky.

To add to the surreal atmosphere of my recuperation period, I had a contact/cataract/vision issue going on, so that my left eye and right eye were not working in sync well with each other. Depending on which eye was opened or closed, I found it hard to see up close, far away, or at mid-ranges. All at the same time. I had a whole Salvador Dali surrealistic type view of my surroundings. Quiet a trip, man.
And, I have to mention the very worst part of the entire depressing experience. Taking that dang home Covid-19 test where you swab the inside of your nostril with a Q-tip, and then, horror of horrors, stick the SAME swab into the other nostril to swirl around. Makes my whole body shudder as that swab passes from one cavity to the other. I didn’t actually convulse. But, Retch? Writhe? Gag? Yeah, kinda.
So, recovering from Covid. Not fun, because I had Things to Do, Places to Go, People to See. Literally. Plane tickets were paid for, a trip was looming just around the corner. At home, my family keeping their distance. No one running the risk of coming into contact with me. Avoiding me like the plague that I was. Me trying to remember to wear my mask and stay within my designated isolation areas, no free reign of the house. Fun times, fun times.
Aren't we over all of this yet?
Glad to say that, while Covid-19 gave me a run for its money, it didn't beat me. I prevailed, came out all in one piece, albeit a little bit lighter than before. And just in time for the trip that you can read about here. Stormy, Husky, Brawling Chicago.
Sounds miserable. I have yet to contract the viral menace, despite living with the husband both times he had it and working in a petri dish that is commonly called an elementary school. I like to say I'm impervious to that particular disease, but every so often I meet someone who tells me that never got it either... until last month. Glad you're on the mend!
Funny how some people avoid it completely-- good for you! I'm glad to put it behind me.
That headline grabbed my attention as I’m trying to shed some pounds myself- but sorry you had to go through all that- sounds miserable. Glad your on the me d though now. 💪🏻
… mend…
Todd, glad I don't have any long-term symptoms, and I feel so badly for those who do. As far as real dieting-- might think about that tomorrow, or maybe the next day...
Both my wife and I have been on an incredible run of good luck when it comes to Covid/Flu/Whatever Else Is Out There since even before the pandemic. No illnesses to report. I do agree the way you went about weight loss is not recommended, but it does work. Glad to hear you have come out the other side of all that...ick. (The picture does illustrate a rather "cozy" existence...🙂)
Bruce, glad you've avoided all the crud! I'm not gonna lie, there have been a few times when I'm tempted to go cozy up on my (disinfected) isolation sofa and just chill, read a book, veg-out, and claim that I need a little more recovery time. Let the chores and responsibilities slide. I guess I could do that anyway, but seems like I need an excuse, like illness, to hide away. Stay healthy my friend!
Oh ugh, what a dreadful way to lose a few pounds! Especially the incredible exhaustion that doesn't allow you to lift a spoon. You poor thing! Glad you're feeling better!
Nicole, it's already fading into my distance memories! But, I'm very sympathetic to anyone else who catches whatever is out there this winter.
I'm so sorry you had such a bad case of Covid! I had it two years ago, but it was a much milder version. If you wanted to lose weight, I guess that's the only silver lining of that nasty rain cloud, but if you didn't, then even that's a downer.... Glad you're feeling better now!
Ann, interestingly, this bout of Covid was much much worse than the one I had in 2021. And, I thought my body was much more prepared to deal with it this time. Just goes to show you that you can never be sure with these viruses & bugs. And who knows why I was the only person among friends and acquaintances who caught it. Weird. But, all better now!
I'm sorry you got sick, that's never fun. I am, however, laughing out loud at your little nest on and around the sofa. Oh that is a beautiful photo, showing the reality of getting well. Stay healthy, ok?
Ally, feeling great now, and planning to stay that way! Hope you avoid all the winter crud, too.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Gwen! Having to cancel travel plans and feel sick at the same time? Oh, a double whammy! Glad to hear you are feeling better!
Thanks Wynne, all better now!