I am a casual Hot Chocolate drinker. I may have, I don’t know, 1 or 2 cups of cocoa during the entirety of winter. I am neither a connoisseur nor a frequent consumer of Hot Chocolate. I can sing along with the Hot Chocolate song from Polar Express with Tom Hanks and the gang. And, I can appreciate the warm, cozy, milky, creamy, chocolatey goodness when I do drink a cup. Being as I have cut way back on sugar, I have to think carefully about drinking a whole cup of sugary delight, lest I have a sugar crash and regret my indulgence. But, I’m trying to paint the picture for you, that, as far a Hot Chocolate goes, I can usually take it or leave it. But, the plot thickens....
My family took a whirlwind weekend trip to New York City just before Christmas. One of my daughters and I had done a similar trip a few years ago after she turned 18. She & I had so much fun in the festive holiday environment that we decided this year to forgo some of our regular Christmas traditions and expenditures and divert that money so the whole family could go for a weekend adventure in the Big Apple. Kind of copying Christmas With The Kranks, without all of the drama that comes with Tim Allen and Dan Aykroyd, lol. We focused a lot of time and energy preparing for our 3 day adventure in NYC. The city did not disappoint.

My daughter and I used our previous experience to help plan the things that we would do when the whole family descended upon Metropolis. High among the list of activities was a visit to the Winter Village Outdoor Christmas Markets at Bryant Park. These seasonal markets have many unique handmade items, and it is lovely to walk around the ice skating rink to explore the many booths. But, the real reason that I insisted on a stop at Bryant Park was the Hot Chocolate. I was determined to have another cup of the most delicious Hot Chocolate I had ever had. Perhaps I had built it up more than deserved, but I remembered the drink as succulent, spicy, and satisfying. I longed for another taste of it.
As my family walked around Bryant Park in the rain, I scoured the area, trying to remember where the specific Hot Chocolate booth was located. At every turn, we saw holiday shop after holiday shop selling cups of Hot Cider and Hot Chocolate. I quickly dismissed all of those imposters—those were not THE Hot Chocolate. MY Hot Chocolate. I watched all of the people who walked around with lidded cups of steamy Hot Chocolate and shook my head disdainfully—nuh-uh, Honey—you went to the wrong drink stand. That is NOT the Hot Chocolate you should be drinking. I knew that MY Hot Chocolate was piled high with whipped creamy goodness. A flat drink lid would never fit on a cup of that cocoa-liciousness.
To say that I was slightly obsessed could be an understatement.
Did you ever remember an experience and blow it somewhat out of proportion? Did you ever inflate the memories so that your expectations for a repeat become way too high? Hoping for a second go? Did you ever become obsessed with something that could never live up to the hype that you created? That was my fear as I slopped through the rain inspecting every market booth that waved a Hot Chocolate For Sale sign.
I was a woman on a mission. But, as time passed, disappointment set in. Finally, I let out a big sigh, and resigned myself to accepting the fact that the Hot Chocolate quest was doomed. My memories would have to suffice. Several years and a global pandemic had passed since my euphoric tasting, and it stood to reason that it was possible that said booth did not exist anymore. Reluctantly, I decided to give up the hunt and turn my attention to other things at hand. My Prince Charming pursuit of Cinderella Hot Chocolate through the rows upon rows of Ugly Step-Sister Hot Chocolate stands was over. It was not meant to be. No fairy tale ending for me. Time to move on.
That’s when I had a sudden memory flash. A memory of myself standing with a cup of frothy Hot Chocolate as I gazed upon a frozen fountain. A fountain. Hmm....a fountain. A fountain?? Sensing the rising excitement, I abruptly called out, “WAIT!! We have to find the fountain!!!”, as I quick-stepped away from my family. Like a bloodhound on the trail, I pressed on down each path, looking between the pop-up buildings, searching for the splashy water fountain (for it was not cold enough to be frozen this time.) When I finally located the fountain and rushed to its side, I paused, frantically looking left and right, radar tuned and ready to zero in on the target. Is it possible? Is that??? Could it be??? Is that it???? Wasting not a moment, I double-timed my steps and approached what I quickly recognized as hallowed ground. It was THE Hot Chocolate stand! MY Hot Chocolate stand! It was here!! I had found it!!!
Waiting in line with baited breath, I prayed that the Hot Chocolate that I had craved for so many years would be good. I hoped that I wouldn’t be disappointed and that my family wouldn’t react with sentences like, “it’s pretty good”, or “sure, it’s ok.” I could hardly contain my excitement when my chance came to order, and I ordered A Regular. Not the fancy upgrade with bells and whistles. Just the normal, basic Hot Chocolate. And then I took my first sip…….

It was even better than I remembered. It was scrumptiously delectable and delicious. It took all my willpower to keep from sucking it down in one gulp. But I also wanted to keep it with me forever, to never drink it, so that it wouldn't go away. So I would never lose it again. Instead, I settled for a steady sip, savoring the yumminess as I continued to walk around. And my family? Oh, they agreed. Everyone tasted and commended the layers of flavor, saying sentences like, “Wow!”, “That is really good!”, “I want to come back and get more!” Maybe not with the same gusto as me, but they were impressed.
I was so happy to have found the Hot Chocolate I had yearned for. And I was so happy that it lived up to the hype that I had created. On our trip, we never made it back to the park to get that second cup, but, as they say, Always Leave ‘Em Wanting More.
If you are not craving Hot Chocolate yet, let me tell you the delicious ingredient list (as derived from their signage)
United Chocolate Works Hot Chocolate.
- Mix together: Almond Milk, Hazelnut Milk, Soy Milk, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Star Anise, and Cloves
- Add layer of Marshmallows, Use a hand torch to toast the top of Marshmallows
- Cover with peaks of homemade Whipped Cream.
Oh man, my mouth is watering again.
Believe it or not, the Hot Chocolate afternoon was not the only highlight, not even the biggest highlight, of our holiday trip to New York. Without carrying on too long, I can give you a quick peek at some of the other fun things that we did:
- The Broadway play “Some Like It Hot,” which had just opened that week, was a big hit. Great dancing, INCREDIBLE singing, hilarious dialogue, a rotating door scene that blew our minds, and an audience that was gleefully entertained the whole time. Big thumbs up.

- Walking through Central Park. Stopping at Strawberry Fields, the tribute to John Lennon. Very moving.

- The Modern Museum of Art (MoMA). Feeling euphoric as I fed my soul absorbing the world-class art.

- The Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall. It was, well, spectacular. The best Christmas show of any kind I have ever seen. Hands down. Stellar Dancing, Outstanding Singing, Glorious Costumes, A Phenomenal Orchestra (whose entire orchestra pit, by the way, moved around the stage WHILE THEY WERE PLAYING), 100 Santas, 3-D Visuals, Rotating Stage, Animated Light Displays, Flying Drones, Dueling Organs, and the Most Incredible Nativity Scene ever, including Live Camels!

Sorry folks, that’s all the time I have. Hit me up if you need suggestions for your next holiday visit to NYC. I’ve got recommendations galore.
Meanwhile, I hope your memories are warm and cozy this winter. And if you get a hankering, you can always whip up some
Hot! Hot! Oh, we got it!
Hot! Hot! So, we got it!
Hot! Hot! Yo, we got it!
Hot chocolate!Here, we only got one rule: (Here, we only got one rule:)
Never ever let it cool! (Never ever let it cool!)
Keep it cookin in the pot,
Soon, ya got HOT CHOC-O-LAT!!