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I have a lot to be thankful for!

We have much to be thankful for. We have many different ways to show our thanks. Recently, I was reminded how each person has their own interests, their own methods of contributing, and their own ways of expressing thankfulness. And that’s what led me to my Next Great Idea….

The Thanksgiving Share.

I quickly organized my thoughts and then wrote an email message to my family members. Upon receiving my email, I’m sure that their first thought was “Oh no! Here she goes again…” But, I hope their second thought was, “Hey! That’s a great idea!” Since Thanksgiving in America is celebrated at the end of November, I devised a challenge which gives every family member 6 weeks to perform a charitable act, then share it with us at our Thanksgiving gathering.

Here is the email that I sent to my family members.


The Thanksgiving Share

As we near the end of the year, we pause in November to be thankful for all the things that we have and all the things we have experienced. 

Being thankful gives you an opportunity to pass on the good fortune, good vibes, and good spirits.

Between now and Thanksgiving, I challenge each of you to make a donation to a charity or to participate in a volunteer activity to express your thankfulness.

At our Thanksgiving gathering, I want each family member to give a quick update to tell us what you chose to do and why it was important to you. Amount of money or time spent doesn't matter. A $5 donation counts just as much as anything else. If you already give regularly to a charitable organization, you can use that or you can do something else new. You could also point to something that you already did during 2022, if necessary. Or help a deserving person yourself.

The point is that you chose to give of yourself to something that was important to you, and we want to hear about it.

Remember that you can make a difference by supporting a worthwhile cause or organization, or by helping someone personally.

Looking forward to your Thanksgiving Share!


My hope is that each person will take a minute to think of their own life, what is important to them, and seek a cause that fits their narrative. If it is something that they are already involved in, I hope that they will intentionally designate this contribution as a Thanksgiving Share.  If it is something that is new to them, I hope that they will find something meaningful, no matter how big or how small their contribution. If they witness a need firsthand, I hope that they will respond with the feeling that they are sharing of themselves in the spirit of Thanksgiving.

In the Christian tradition, we thank God for all that we have, our lives, family, friends, and good fortunes. But, we also thank those around us for all that they do to contribute to our health and happiness. No matter your religion or lack thereof, I think it is important to express thankfulness to all and to extend a helping hand to others.

I firmly believe that every person can contribute something of themselves to make the world a better place. From the youngest to the oldest. From the healthiest to the sickest. From the richest to the poorest. People who are riding high can share the wealth, so to speak. People who are having difficulties can shift their focus to provide a helping hand to someone else who needs it. Studies and researchers have shown time and time again that people who are at the lowest of lows feel best about themselves when they are able to contribute to the welfare of others. People who are in the depths of depression focus inward; pulling them outwards to help others is a tried and true method of therapy. Making a contribution to society, doing something to help, whether helping another person or a greater cause, is important for the wellbeing of a person’s soul.

Therefore, I believe that it is important for each person to find a cause that speaks to them and do whatever they feel led to do in the spirit of giving. I challenge my family to do it within a timeframe so that we can discuss it during our Thanksgiving celebration in November. I find that deadlines often help nudge people along.

So, what about you? Does this idea resonate with you? How is your life going? Are you in a position to celebrate with Thanksgiving? Or, are you in a difficult place? No matter where you find yourself, I challenge you to take stock and think about who could use your support. What cause speaks to you? Here are a few suggestions to help you get started……….organizations that support human rights, healthcare, education, rescue efforts, marginalized groups of people, arts & culture, religion, environment, food access, community development, animal protection… the list goes on and on. Or, you might know a specific need in your own community which you can address in person.  YOU can make a difference in someone else’s life and in your own life when you give of yourself.

So, let’s get started on our Thanksgiving Share. We’ve got 6 weeks to get 'er done. And I want to hear your report. What did you do, and why did you do it? How did you share yourself with others?