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Finding The Audience

Philosophical musician Bruce Springsteen once said, "You make your music, then you try to find whatever audience is out there for it." I don't make music, but I can relate. I have been publishing my blog for almost a year. I started writing during summer of 2020 as the pandemic raged. In our family, it was a busy time with altered work schedules, grown kids returning home, illness, additional responsibilities, and the stress of the unknown. I started writing and blogging to, basically, keep my head from exploding from wrestling with heavy thoughts, mental processing, and making sense of things. I have been having a grand time with my blog. I have stretched my brain to its limits as I try to figure out how the heck to operate the mechanics of online publishing. But, so far, so good.

One suggestion I have read for increasing the traffic on your blog site is to make sure you identify the audience you are trying to reach. For me, that’s easy. My intended audience is every person in the world. I figure that I can speak to the elder population (of which I am juuuust baaaarely on the cusp) by telling stories of yesteryear, days gone by. I reach for nostalgia, reminding us of the way things used to be, back when things were simpler, slower, and less convenient. I contend that remembering the ways of the world from our youth might help us navigate these times, where information overload threatens to swallow us up whole.

...Cheers to the Seniors!

I also speak to the middle-aged, those whose kids are not yet grown. Those who are in the thick of it. I tell stories of parenting, what went wrong, what went right. Even though times have changed since we raised our kids, people have not changed. Similar situations reoccur time after time, but there are different tools at our disposal. Just think how cellphones have changed parenting in the past 20 years.

...Way to go Middle Agers! Hang in there! You can do it!

Just Starting Out--Parents Helping Me Into My 1st Apartment

I share stories and provide guidance for young folks who are just starting out on their adult journey. The promise and wealth of possibilities that many see before them is both alluring and frightening. I hope to warn them of mistakes that I made, give suggestions and sound reasoning, and, perhaps, make their paths a little easier as they take on new responsibilities.

...Go Millennials! Make us proud!

I’m not sure if any kiddos would read my blog, but, if they do, there are plenty of small words. If they struggle with reading comprehension, they could, at least, practice proficiency by sounding out the words.

...The time is right, Kids! Work hard, and you will go far!

See how encouraging my blog is for anyone who reads it? That’s why my intended audience is every person in the world! I see that as a reasonable goal. As it turns out, statistics on my blog site give me a glimpse of how things are going. I am both thrilled and shocked when I see the cumulative data. While the number of readers is not staggeringly high, the breadth of reach is astounding.

At last count, I had readers from 23 different countries, including 6 of the continents. I have my eye on Antarctica, so, if you know a research scientist who is stationed at the South Pole, please forward my info, K? Thanks. Slightly unrelated side note: I read today (June 2021) that National Geographic has officially recognized the Southern Ocean (water surrounding Antarctica) as the 5th ocean, joining Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic. For years, I caught wind of references to the Southern Ocean in my kids' school work, and I was like "what are you talking about? The Southern Ocean - no such thing." So, the Southern Ocean is, in fact, a thing, acknowledged by scientists and publications, alike, and Nat Geo will redraw the oceanic maps with official nomenclature for the first time in 100 years. Now you know.

Google Earth

I don’t even know how to comprehend the fact that I, a preschool teacher from the suburbs of Atlanta, GA, have posted articles on the internet that have been read by people who live all over the world. That someone who lives in Tanzania, Ecuador, Croatia, or Bangladesh would be able to read, or even be able to find my blog, is astonishing. Sorry if I didn’t give a shout out to your country of residence—in the interest of time, I whittled the list down.  Actually, I’ve decided I would like to thank all the readers by visiting face-to-face and giving each one a proper thank you. So, how ‘bout each of you send me a travel itinerary, and I can get started on it. Oh, and money. Send me money too, you know, for travel expenses. I prefer US dollars, but, if you can’t swing that, I’ll accept cryptocurrency. My son can help me figure out how to use that. Great--sounds like a plan. Thanks!

 Anyway, seeing the wide-spread reach of my blog posts completely blows my mind, which may not be good, because I started writing my blog to keep my head from exploding. But, seriously, I thank you all for your attention and your kindness.

...Way to read, Readers! Hi Y’all!

Going viral (which I haven’t) is an opportunity for every person who has an online presence. Or, perhaps it is a threat. Positive messages, videos, and images, as well as negative messages, videos, and images flood our devices, whether the authors intend them to or not. Once it’s out there, it might get picked up by any number of services. Nothing online ever really goes away. Recent trouble with users hacking into various computer systems proves that nothing is completely secure. Here’s a cautionary word to every person in the world—be careful what you upload, and always think twice before you make your statement, or reveal your pictures, or promote your videos. Use technology wisely so that you don’t regret it.

Thanks for your time. I really am humbled and grateful to all the readers. The fact that we can be connected gives me hope for the cooperative effort that we humans need as we move forward in life. By the way, I’m not opposed to reaching my blog outside of the confines of Earth. If you happen to know anyone who is stationed in the International Space Station, give me a call. And aliens, too. I’d let aliens read my blog. Any UFO sighters among you? Take me to your leader! To infinity and beyond!

In the meantime, I’m just sittin’ here doin' my best to speak to the audience. I'm living the dream!