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No Time To Write

Can you see where the strand of Christmas lights on the tree burned out? One of many things that went wrong this holiday!

Sorry folks, but I have not had time to write. We have been very busy with Christmas plans. And, sadly, Breakthru COVID reared its ugly head, leaving one of our daughters isolated in her apartment and forcing us to make last minute changes to our family celebrations. What a bummer. But, all’s good. We have had wonderful visits and much laughter over the last few weeks. We have had the same old arguments that we always have and shared the same traditions that we enjoy. We completely forgot to take care of things that we never thought we would forget, but then realized that we could get by just fine. We ate a lot. It was a typical, but modified, Christmas holiday celebration in another atypical year.

Now, we are heading off for our annual New Year’s tradition of gathering with our close friends to ring in the New Year.

With all that has been going on, I have been too busy to sit and think and write. So, in lieu of posting a new article, I thought I would draw attention to a previous post that has a lot to say.  Perhaps, as we start a fresh new year, we might work on our attitudes, our cooperation skills, and our sense of responsibility. Find out how.... We Are All Friends.

And, welcome 2022! Happy New Year, Y'all!

6 thoughts on “No Time To Write

  1. Joy Vickers

    Happy New Year Gwen! I didn't finish sending cards this year .... but glad to read you all made the best of Christmas. Always enjoy reading your blogs when I can settle myself down to read them. Give everyone our best & keep writing! (& stay healthy). Breakthrough Covid- ugh. Our son had the same (but not at the holidays, thank goodness). Take care!

  2. Ann Coleman

    In these crazy days, being flexible is the key! I'm glad you were able to enjoy your Christmas with your family, even if it was a little bit different this year.

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